Happy Friday!
This week NBCUniversal hosted its inaugural One21 event which showcased its plans to integrate commerce deeply into its network TV strategy, and beyond. It announced new advertising and commerce tools including NBCU Checkout, as well as commerce partnerships with Facebook and Instagram. We’re excited to see how NBCU’s ambitious, holistic long term vision for bridging content and commerce plays out.
Another media giant has decided to join the shoppable video trend. Verizon Media announced plans to launch Yahoo Shops, an online marketplace which will include shoppable video and 3D try-ons. There are no dates yet announced for this to come to market.
Also this week, we found out that Netflix may be losing out on a whopping $6 billion in annual revenue because of password sharing. Given Disney’s remarkable recent subscriber growth, this is a problem that Netflix will have to solve soon, if it wants to remain the market leader. It'll be interesting to see how the streaming giant approaches this problem, and if it will influence their pricing strategy.
Until next week!

STB takes Americans on virtual taxi tour via Twitch to showcase country's hidden gems
And finally...
Singapore Tourism Board has partnered with Twitch to take American viewers on a virtual taxi tour to showcase Singapore's hidden gems.
Singapore by Stream takes viewers on a taxi tour across four live streams. Viewers can interact with the taxi driver and host to decide where to visit next on their journey.