Top Pick

Fire TV might not get Disney+ as Amazon and Disney clash over ads
Happy Friday!
Today's top pick is the latest from the streaming wars! Amazon is in a conflict with Disney which may result in Fire TV being the only major streaming platform without Disney+ when it launches in November.
The disputes are a result of Amazon wanting the right to sell a “substantial percentage of the ad space on Disney apps,” according to the Journal, but Disney is resisting.
The major players in the streaming wars have been making final preparations for battle but ,surprisingly Disney hasn't yet cemented its relationship with the second-largest distributor of streaming apps, Amazon.
Amazon has recently come to agreements to end conflicts with Google & Apple which have seen benefits for all sides.
Convenience and ease of access for the end viewer will be key to winning the streaming wars. Amazon as a distribution platform offers both.

Netflix, save yourself and give me something random to watch
sometimes—I do not want to frame my own viewing experience
Adam Rogers of Wired takes a look at the Netflix-style generated carousel of content that we have all lived with for more than a decade 😮
Is it an "if it ain't broke don't fix it" situation or are we ready for something greater than the algorithm?