Happy Friday!
This week we were at the TV Connect conference in London, where our CEO Claire won 'The TV Connect People's Choice Award'.
Congrats Claire and team Axonista!
Let the scrolling begin!
Top Pick

Over The Top - Season one recap
For the next week, we are celebrating the best bits from the first season of the 'Over The Top' show. Featuring industry leaders like;
- Fred Santarpia (Condé Nast)
- Anna Gonzalez (Nasdaq)
- Russell Arons (Machinima)
- Orlando Jones (American Gods)
- Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me)
- Kathleen Barrett (Vimeo)
- Rich Antoniello (Complex)
- Claire McHugh (Axonista)
- Shane Rahmani (College Humor)
- Eric Day (INE)
- Leslie Ali (JWT)
It was really hard picking our favourite moments from the series. Enjoy! Thank you to all our fabulous guests, and of course our presenters Dermot McCormack, and Jocelyn Johnson for such a great first series! Watch this space for news on series two!

Instagram quietly launches payments for commerce
Instagram has soft launched the ability to purchase on the platform for some US & UK users. This now means users can register a debit or credit card as part of their profile, set up a security pin, and start buying items seen on the platform.
At Rerun, we reckon this seamless browsing could help drive impulse buys and in turn be a huge revenue driver for Instagram.

Google touts 'digital wellbeing' tools to help users disengage from phones
Google.io took place in Mountain View this week and unveiled a number of exciting technologies coming down the track.
One of the more interesting announcements is a range of tools focused on what's being called "digital wellbeing".
Digital wellbeing will help you keep track of how much time you spend using specific apps per day, how many times you unlock your device, and set limits for same.
The focus on digital wellbeing comes at a time when technology companies are being scrutinised for the habit-forming design practices that encourage people to spend more time on their devices, such as infinite scrolling, notifications and other behavioural “nudges”.
The move towards digital wellbeing also complements the recent rise of lean-in experiences which reward users focus and attention resulting in more meaningful engagement with content.

The Fourth Wall - Design beyond 10 foot
This week on our new design blog, The Fourth Wall, we consider what it means to design for TV. How what they do has remained relatively unchanged for 50+ years. And why we need to design for the room, rather than the user.
Future of TV
Apple plans to sell video subscriptions through TV app
Apple now plans to start selling subscriptions for certain video services directly through its TV app. Currently Apple's TV app just co-locates shows from other apps and channels like HBO, ABC etc. Should a user wish to subscribe to these other apps, Apple sends users outside the TV app to buy access directly from the service provider.
We think Apple's new change will make the TV app easier to use, it will also make the app more functional. The TV app could become more of a central place for viewers to discover, view and purchase content.
Interactive Media

Uniform launches augmented reality product review app, Rugu, aimed at Snapchat generation
Have you ever considered buying a product, only to read bad reviews online that make you reconsider? Or have you bought something that was recommended to you, only to feel it was better summed up with this emoji 💩?
Uniform, have created a new app to assist in your shopping needs called Rugu. The app will allow users to pick up a product they’re using in real life and quickly record and share their reaction to it by “throwing” poo and heart emojis at it, in-app.
“Young consumers are hungry for a way to immediately engage...share stories they produce, and tap into content from peers, with a sense of humour.” explains Uniform’s Tim Sharp.

YouTube creator launches a video-based app off-platform
Philip DeFranco, one of YouTube’s biggest creators, has this week launched a video-based app off-platform. We've covered YouTube creators' demonetisation concerns in recent weeks and DeFranco jumping ship seems like the latest volley over that contested ground.
DeFranco however, says his move is about more than just generating sustainable income from YouTube, claiming the impetus for the new app centers around connecting with viewers via video-to-video interaction:
“I didn’t want to just upload monologues to the internet, I really wanted to start a dialogue. "
Hubris aside, DeFranco's move does mark another entry in the ongoing saga surrounding YouTube's demonetisation regulations, whether it's a chapter or a footnote remains to be seen.

Folder Studio’s interactive documentary K-Town ’92 highlights our “desensitisation to societal trauma”
The LA riots in 1992 were a turning point for race relations in the United States. A moment where the broader society became aware of the African American experience. And challenges that maintain themselves to today.
K-Town '92 is an online, interactive documentary looking at this period, specifically the Korean American experience of it. An interesting and important topic, and in a format that makes you think about the possibilities of interactive storytelling.

The Royal Wedding will use facial-recognition AI for our entertainment
Viewers watching the Royal Wedding on Sky News will be able to take advantage of an AI-based facial recognition software, that will helpfully identify wedding guests. So now you won't have any trouble recalling names of the world's most famous people.
Harry + Meghan forever.