Happy Friday! Welcome to Issue 47 of Rerun, your weekly digest of digital storytelling, interactive media and the future of TV curated by Axonista.

This week's Top Pick is a very interesting read on how viewers perceive a show after binge-watching compared to watching episodes on a weekly basis, and how storytellers need to adapt to this.

We also look at how Netflix and Amazon are becoming a beacon of hope for indie filmmakers, how the branding industry is building up around Snapchat and Periscope, how TV gets tiny on Instagram and Snapchat, the story behind Star Wars VR and much more.

But before there was social media, there was Terry Wogan. In sad news this week, iconic host and (not so subtle) satirist, Terry Wogan died. To celebrate the awesomeness of Wogan’s talents, here are some of his highlight quips from Eurovision, a TV event he turned into must-watch television for millions.

Team Rerun

Top Pick

Future of TV

Interactive Media


Virtual Reality
