Happy Friday!
As we've highlighted over the years, Walmart has been a trailblazer in innovating with shoppable content. It's no surprise to see Walmart leading the way once more. Its exclusive partnership with Roku will link its product catalogue directly to shoppable ads on the Roku platform, supported by Roku Pay. This direct integration aims to make this as seamless a checkout experience as possible for viewers. We will be playing close attention to this collaboration, as an indicator of the success of the Connected TV ecosystem as a future shopping destination.
We won't be the only ones watching. There have been reports that streaming giant Netflix is considering acquiring Roku, in an effort to bring its ad-supported business model forward.
At Rerun, we think this makes tons of sense in line with Netflix's vision for interactive content. Not only will Netflix gain the power of Roku's advertising platform, but also the ability to make its content shoppable, via Roku Pay. This move has the potential to put Netflix ahead of Disney+ once again.
Until next week!

Netflix offers guided walking tours
And finally...
Have you ever watched a film or series and imagined being the main character walking through a gorgeous city and eating good food, perhaps a croissant?
Well, Netflix has partnered with SANDEMANs New Europe Tours to launch free guided walking tours in three major European cities where you can learn about the history of cinema and entertainment!
In Madrid, explore behind the scenes of popular shows like Money Heist and Elite. In Paris, tour the streets where Emily in Paris and Lupin were filmed, and in London, get a behind-the-scenes look at popular shows like Top Boy and Bridgeton.