Happy Friday!
This week we are proud to share some of our own news.
In response to Covid-19 restrictions that put paid to a string of highly anticipated fashion events supporting their work, Fashion Relief and Oxfam Ireland have partnered with Axonista for a virtual version of their annual Fashion Relief campaign. We're very excited to unveil Fashion Relief TV to the world today!
Our favourite news articles this week are about reimagining the TV and cinema experience. From Spanish football La Liga's use of computer generated stadium crowds, to drive-in cinema's comeback, to major summer releases premieres taking place on Disney and Netflix apps.
We also saw the media industry step forward to support the Black Lives Matter movement, most notably with YouTube announcing a $100m fund for black creators.
Until next week!

Who needs a green screen when you’ve got an entire green(ish) lawn?
And Finally ...
BBC presenter Jen Bartram is bringing creative TV production during a pandemic to a new level by using her garden as a green screen to run viewers through the UK weather forecast. Next stop, Wembley!