Happy Friday!
It has not been a great time for Facebook lately, but this week they created really cool augmented reality experiences on Ready Player One posters.
Let the scrolling begin!
Top Pick
How Channel 4 is adapting its interactive ads to the big screen
Channel 4 have been running interactive ads on their All 4 platform on both mobile and desktop since last April. They've been relatively successful at it too, with personalised ads for "Alien: Covenant" getting double the interaction rates of the non-personalised version.
But mobile and desktop only account for 40% of All 4's audience. The remaining 60% of viewing happens through connected TVs, set-top boxes or game consoles. That's where Channel 4's attention is turning to now. If that sounds surprising, remember that for Netflix that figure is 70%.
TV is dead. Long live TV.

Spotify makes its stockmarket debut - Play list
Spotify took an unusually low-key approach to its IPO, when it launched its direct listing on the NYSE this week. We love this collection of infographics from Quartz Obsession about the music streaming landscape, and Spotify's strengths and weaknesses in the space.

Over The Top with Leslie Ali (JWT)
This week Dermot and Jocelyn are joined by Leslie Ali, Executive Creative Director of marketing communications company JWT. They discuss the power of being an authentic brand.
It takes guts to go out there and say something meaningful. Sometimes you will connect, sometimes you will not, but you have got so many young filmmakers who are excited to do and I think sponsoring filmmakers is probably the best way forward
Future of TV

Netflix Hack Day  -  Winter 2018
We love a good auld Lab Day here at Rerun. We find they can be useful in developing new ideas and concepts, and fostering a culture of innovation. And we aren't the only ones who enjoy such occasions as Netflix recently hosted their own Hack Day.
At Rerun, we enjoy reading what the folks at Netflix get up to. While many projects may never actually become part of the product, it is interesting to read what ideas capture their imagination, and where future feature focus might be!
Interactive Media

Inside a new immersive AV system, as Brian Eno premieres it in Berlin
As we grow ever more accustomed to interactive and VR experiences on our personal devices in day-to-day life, it's interesting to consider how these innovations are playing out in the cultural realm.
One ambitious new project is the Hexadome, developed at the Institute for Sound and Music in Berlin. The Hexadome is billed as an immersive 360° touring audiovisual exhibition combining art and technology.
The lineup of artist and collectives commissioned to produce work for the project include names such as Brian Eno, Thom Yorke and Pfadfinderei.

Always drumming on the kitchen table?
Calling all table drummers! Your moment may have arrived. A new app just hit the market that is targeting us and our table tapping tendencies. The AAS Objeq claims to transform beats and taps on any surface to sound closer to a real percussion instrument. Your table can easily become a conga, bongo, djembe.
Welcome to the future.

Small Talk is the cartoony party game of your dreams
Every once in a while something grabs your attention and you're not sure why. Maybe it's how it looks or moves, maybe the idea of it is intriguing and you want to know a little more, and then even more. This describes the appeal of the game “Small Talk” a game with an interesting aesthetic and concept.
Follow what intrigues you and make some small talk at the end of the world.

The Hacker Hostel From Silicon Valley in VR
Are you as happy as we are that Silicon Valley is back? Check out the hacker hostel in glorious VR, a 1:1 recreation of the set of HBO’s award winning comedy series.