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CBS All Access on the streaming wars to come: ‘We don’t fear these changes’
The looming threat of Disney Plus, HBO Max and NBCUniversal has left CBS COO Marc DeBevoise unphased. Remarking while discussing the future of the streaming space.
We don’t fear these changes
DeBevoise is not alone in his thinking. Like many others in the space, he does not believe that the streaming wars will have a single victor but will be a lucrative investment for many involved.

Oregon Blockbuster outlasts others to become last on Earth
End of an Era.
Recently, some of the world's longest surviving Blockbuster stores have begun to shut their doors and with the closure of Australia's last remaining store, there is only one blockbuster on left on Earth.
So if you want to rent a DVD head to Bend, Oregon home to the last Blockbuster.